Join the energy revolution

Roof Power Coop

Become part of our business by pledging your power to us.

Our Goal

10 Megawatts

1,500 homes

Join our Energy providers community

We sell your energy directly to National Grid.

We pay you your fair share, more than DOUBLE than your energy provider

Why join our energy revolution?

  • We are a community of home energy providers. By joining together we can be the biggest energy provider in the country.

  • We have invested in our future by building our own Solar system we want to be paid a market price for the power we product

  • Together we are stronger. Each one of us earners over double what we did before

  • We provide clean energy.

    We expect a fair price

  • Our Technoglogy is helping the national grid plan for tomorrow

  • Don’t wait join today and earn a market rate

You are not making a legal commitment here. You are telling us you are interested in getting a fair amount for the solar power you send to the grid

Pledge your power to us

“I wanted a fair price for the power I produced

Thank you RPC”


“RPC gave the kick I needed to be a home power producer”


“I want to do something for tomorrow”



  • The internet is full of sharks and people trying to take your money.

    RPC is not selling you anything, by joining our community we will pay you a fair price for the elecricity your solar panels produce.

  • No, we take the energy from your solar panels and sell it to the National Grid

    If you need one we know a network of installers, but we are a community energy company.

    We want you to join our community and help us grow to be the UK’s biggest energy company, owned and run by its members.

  • We will pay you the market rate for your energy direct to your account.

  • No!

    You join our community and you can leave at any time, our goal is to provide clean energy and make you money